Third Party Life business
Reinsurance professionals
We focus on life reinsurance and retrocession business writing primarily mortality related risk in proportional and non-proportional forms, for example:
- Yearly Renewable Term (YRT)
- Excess of Loss per Person
- Catastrophe/Excess of Loss per Event
- Mortality Stop Loss
- Quota share on biometric related risks
We work both directly with specially selected partners and via reinsurance brokers.
Seven dedicated life reinsurance professionals cover all aspects of arranging and pricing third party business including contract negotiation. Client focus is ensured by the front end responsible reinsurance manager being deeply involved at all points of the process for new and renewing business.
The team also benefits from being an advisor to the Achmea Group on life reinsurance and accumulation risk projects. This enhances the technical strength of the team (which includes four actuaries), gives us experience in dealing with the full balance sheet and risk overview and helps us relate to our clients.

John Bastiaansen
Reinsurance Manager
Roger Knops
Reinsurance Manager
Elaine Turner
Senior Manager & Marketing Actuary
Joost de Jongh
Reinsurance Analyst